Money Saving Ideals For Fall And Winter

Here are some ideals that i listed below will help you save energy, save money, also it can help you  stay warm and  comfortable during the cool fall and cold winter months. Most of the tips that are offered below are free and can be used regularly to help increase your savings. Some of these ideals can be simple and inexpensive.
Also i will be having many of other money saving tips in the future.

Use The Heat Of The Sun

  • Open your curtains during the day to allow sunlight in to heat your home, and close them at night to cut down on the chill you may feel from drafty cold windows.

 Drafty Windows Can Create Lots Of Cold Air

  • I would recommend using a heavy-duty, clear plastic on your window frame. When taping the plastic to the inside of your window frames i would use painter's tape this will prevent your paint from pealing when it comes time to removing during the summer months. Make sure the plastic is sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce drafts and cold air.
  • Installing insulating drapes or shades on windows can also help cut down on  drafty windows also.
  • Find out about other ways of cutting down on drafts @ You can save hundreds by using these simple tips. 

Adjust the Temperature

  • When your at home you can adjust your thermostat as low as is comfortable for you and your family.
  • You can save about 10% on your heating bill by adjusting your thermostat back 10 degrees when not home or sleeping.  Another great ideal would be to purchase a smart or programmable thermostat can make it easy to set back your temperature. 

Feel For Air Leaks

  • There are many of places where air my be leaking through such as around utility cut-through's for pipes, gaps around chimneys, switch and outlet boxes, recessed lights in ceilings, and most unfinished spaces. You can also add caulk or weatherstripping to seal air leaks around leaky doors and windows.

Service You Heating Systems

  • Scheduling a regular service maintenance is also a great ideal at least once a year.  Replacing your filter once a month or as needed will cut down on your heating system from working so hard and also cut down on dust mites and particles.

Reduce Heat Loss from the Fireplace

  • When your fireplace is not being used it is best to keep the damper closed unless a fire is burning. The damper acts is like a window wide open during the winter what tends to happens is that warm air to go right up the chimney.
  • When you are using the fireplace, reduce heat loss by opening dampers in the bottom of the firebox (if you have one) or open the nearest window slightly and it would be best to close doors leading into the room. You can lower the thermostat setting to between 55° and 60°F.
  • If fireplace is not being used it is best to plug and seal the chimney flue.
  • If you do use the fireplace you can install tempered glass doors and or a heat-air exchange system that will force the warmed air back into the room.
  • Check the seal on the fireplace flue damper and make it as snug as possible.

Save On Water Heating Costs

  • You can turn the temperature of your water heater down to the warm setting (120°F). This will save on energy and your water won't be so hot that you might burn your hands.
    You can insulate the hot water line if your hot water heater is stored in a cold area.

Lower Your Holiday Lighting Costs

  • For the holidays instead of using standard light bulbs you should consider using light-emitting diode -- or "LED" -- this will help reduce cost and increase on savings
